monterrico beach

well, it's been a good 3 weeks since returning from Monterrico.... the grey rainy days in Pittsburgh always leave time for daydreaming. Last night, I began my 4th Spanish term at CCAC, where we did a little bit of salsa dancing. If you could call it salsa dancing.. in a 2 ft x 2 ft space behind the desks in the classroom,where we did basic foot moves to a video by Marlon Silva, Pittsburgh's local salsa aficionado. Behind Marlon was a fake beach scene which kept panning in and out. I longingly reminisced of Monterrico, and of the attempts to salsa dance with Luis in the Cafe de Sol, the only guy around so had to share his dance partnership with my sister.
Our hotel and restuarant was fairly vacant, since we stayed past the busy Saturday - Sunday crowd. We made friends with Luis and other employees, acting as if the Cafe was our home, changing the music, dancing in the dining area, serving ourselves coffee, eating dinner with the staff, and learning how to make our own licaudos.

Monterrico is a small beach town, which is acessible only by maneuvering thru a mangrove swamp. We had to board a ferry to come and go from Monterrico. Vehicles can come in the Monterrico, one by one, on a ferry, so traffic is sparse in town. A car isn't even needed to get across town.
Needleess to say there wasn't much to do besides go from the beach to the hammock to the pool and around again. That's all we did for a few days. Pretty relaxing. Lots of reading & sleeping.
Time spent at the beach is never complete unless there is a fruity beverage by your side at all times. To make a licuado, blend ice, water, and fresh fruit of your choice (papaya, watermelon, pineapple, banana, strawberry). Add sugar to taste. Pour in a gigantic glass so heavy and big that you must use 2 hands. Serve with a smile and get silly.

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